Visualizza Versione Completa : Guidescope Suitability Calculator-Parametri riferimento del Team di Astronomy Tools

28-04-2024, 11:57
Gentilissimi ecco le specifiche con esempio sul Guidescope Suitability Calculator fatto dal Team di Flo responsabile del sito Astronomy Tools.
Lo posto per tutti coloro che come me navigavano a vista, prima dell'intervento e dei consigli di Maurizio, Steve e Paolo (Cherubino).
Qui ci sono le esatte indicazioni per la guida, con un esempio fatto da loro, che allego.
Grazie per l'attenzione.
(PS Preso dal Forum Stragazer Lounge).

Years ago we built our own collection of astronomy tools and calculators so we could more easily answer questions and advise customers. In 2014 we made it available to all as the Astronomy Tools website.
In 2015 we added a CCD suitability Calculator (was a bit controversial but has proven popular).
We are now working on a Guidescope Suitability Calculator to help you assess imager / guider combinations.
This new calculator is a work in progress so we will be grateful if you would please kick it's tyres then let us know how it might be improved.
In particular, what is considered a good ratio these days? We are thinking anywhere between 1:1 and 1:4 will work well but with improved software even up to 1:10 can produce good results?
We will be grateful for your feedback
Steve & the FLO team


29-04-2024, 07:21
sposto in -software generale-

29-04-2024, 08:17
Grazie Antonio e buona giornata.